Leadership + Team


Busyness is a parasite in our culture. It starts as something small, barely recognizable, seemingly harmless; but before long we find that it has completely taken over, it’s damaging fingerprint affecting every aspect of one’s life and wellbeing. Busy has become the acceptable response to a greeting, usually met with an understanding nod of approval.

Calendar hours are full to double booked, and guilt is often expressed over unscheduled time blocks. Technology has enabled us to be completely mobile; even the once quiet and friendly skies are now packed with emails and expectations. We can literally be busy anywhere, anytime. It’s exhausting just thinking about the schedules we keep.

Unfortunately, the lifestyle of busy often mimics a treadmill; we are so busy, but not always productive. Busyness is a thief that takes our time, our health, our sleep, our creativity. And, the mind set that doing more equals more is just not true.

Can we all just agree to take a moment? A breather? A break?

The antidote of busyness is margin. Having nothing planned does not have to be a foe, it can be the greatest friend for innovation and improvement. We were made, in fact commanded, to take time to rest. So, why does this seem to be the one commandment we approach with a laisser-faire attitude?

If you have ever felt the pressure and stress of busy, if you’re feeling it now in this season of hustle-bustle, I would encourage you to build in some margin. And, if you’re feeling like you don’t have time for margin, I would argue that you absolutely NEED margin in your life.

Below are five ways that you can add margin into your day and allow yourself some room to breathe.

1.  Pray.

Martin Luther is credited as saying, “I have so much to do that I shall have to spend the first three hours in prayer.” Luther understood that prayer is the lifeline communication tool we have with our heavily Father. It is a first response, last resort and everything in between. Start and end your day with prayer, stop and pray when you feel overwhelmed. Let prayer go before, behind and beside you. Let prayer be that which hems your moments.

2.  Exercise. 

Take a walk. Take the kids to the park. Go from a run. Go to the gym. Or, my favorite, take a barre class. Do something that will allow you to focus your mind on your surroundings. Gym time is a great time to memorize scripture, I have found. Get your heart rate up and your endorphins flowing, (I’ll admit, said endorphins seem to be a myth in my world, but at least I feel like I’ve done something good).

3.  Indulge in a luxury. 

In one of the most stressful seasons I experienced as a director at a nonprofit I found sleep hard to find, catch, steal. I watched the sun slip behind the mountains and saw the first hints of dawn. One morning as I prepared to shower I noticed the pieces of a Lush bath ball. Instead of activating the shower head I decided to plug the tub and enjoyed a 10 minute bubble bath. It felt like something indulgent and changed my attitude about going into the office that day. Whatever you consider luxury, find an unexpected way to enjoy it for a few minutes.

4.  Enjoy a favorite show or activity. 

Guilt free. Whether it’s watching 30 minutes of a mindless comedy or reading a chapter in a book that’s been sitting on your nightstand for months, take some time to enjoy and relax. Even as an adult, I find excitement in watching a movie on a “school night.”

5.  Take your lunch break and your vacation days. 

I know, this is two in one. But, I have found that working through lunch and unused vacation days are more common than not. Even if you can only get away for 15 minutes, take a lunch break. Use your vacation days, even if only for a staycation now and then. No matter how much we try, we will never be able to squeeze more than 24 hours from a day, and we will never get lost moments back. Time marches on, don’t find yourself looking back with regret about the busy that stole your youth.

Learn to unplug and unwind. Find ways to create margin in your busy schedule.

What are ways you have found, or hope to employ, in breaking the cycle of busy in your life?

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