Life + Faith


The hummingbirds have staked their claim over the recently hung feeders. I hear their distinct high-pitch whir as they flit with a purposed frenzy and furry. Unlike other birds who seem to put minimal effort into their flight, hummingbirds move in stacattoed motion, propelled by tiny blurred wings. I watch in delight, and wonder at their exhaustion. A life of busy and hurry for no particular reason than to enjoy as much of their surroundings as possible.

As the hummingbirds play, the breeze gathers strength. Even here, a mile high, if I close my eyes I can almost imagine I’m hearing the crash of ocean waves. The wind carries the fresh smells of spring with a hint, or more likely just a tease, of coming rain. I observe this spring day, with it’s new growth and fresh leaves, and can almost be fooled into calling this place green. I say almost because this could only be described as green by someone who has never stepped foot onto the soil of the South, where the humidity allows for a green so beautiful and lush it will almost hurt your eyes.

And, if I look out to the west I see, in the distance, the snow capped mountains that will stay white through the summer. The Rocky Mountains. The place I call home.

I need to stop for a moment and notice nature, especially after the hard and emotional weeks of late. A moment of notice, gone in a blink.

Nature offers praise to God by simply being, and sometimes I forget that I need to do the same.

Pneuma is the Greek word for Holy Spirit, meaning to breathe or blow, and it primarily refers to the wind. I reflect upon this as I feel this springtime breeze, knowing that while wind is invisible it is also powerful, ever moving. I never know what can be blown in, or what storms are being redirected.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by circumstances that seem impossible and unchanging, but there is comfort in knowing that the Holy Spirit is moving in ways still unknown. The Holy Spirit is mighty. How often do I assume things have turned stagnant, neglecting to notice the Spirit’s moving in my own life, in this very day?

Friends, I don’t know where this day or season finds you, but I pray you will take a moment to notice the beauty that surrounds you, all the small and large details that fill our world. And, may we be always aware of the powerful wind, the Holy Spirit, the very breath of God present in our daily lives.

Take notice of this holy moment.

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