Leadership + Team


Somehow reading has become a costly luxury, and one that many people think cannot be afforded. But, reading doesn’t require hours of uninterrupted time curled up with a good book and mug of hot tea; it is an invaluable tool that too often goes unused.

The benefits of reading are not lost once we step into adulthood. Reading improves vocabulary and communication skills, expands the mind as new information is comprehended, sparks creativity by offering different styles and forms of expression. It also creates focus and causes us to slow down. Our eyes sweep from left to right, winding down each page; our fingers turning from one page to the next.

Of course, physical books are not our only option these days; technology has broaden the reading spectrum.

Here are five ways to incorporate more reading into your real life.

1.  Read books that match your current season.

No matter where you find yourself personally or professionally you can finds books that will meet you right where you are. There are books on parenting, leadership, specific skills training and even hobbies. Read books that are practical for your stage and season.

2.  Broaden your reading horizons.

Listening to books on tape is a great way to “read” books during your commute or while you wash the dishes. You are engaging your mind during moments you might not otherwise consider “free time.” If you have children, you are probably reading a lot of picture and children’s books. Articles, periodicals, magazines. You are probably reading more than you realize, even if you are not reading traditional books.

3.  Read multiple books at a time.

The teacher I taught alongside during my student teaching always had a non fiction and a fiction book going. You can tailor this to meet your needs, maybe you can have a professional and fun book going, or a book you’re reading with your children, (or other women), and one you’re reading alone. Keep reading fun and interesting.

4.  Utilize your local library.

Your local library allows you to reserve books, audiobooks, ebooks, etc. online and pick them up when they’re available. It’s free and allows you to have books in the cue, when you’re ready for them. Quick and easy. Although, I highly recommend slowly browsing a library or bookstore from time to time.

5.  Keep a book on your nightstand.

The last few minutes before bed offer a great time to read a couple of pages. Pick something fun and easy, a book that you look forward to reading. I also always carry a book with me in case I ever find myself with a few free minutes, (i.e. waiting for the doctor or dentist).

Any other thoughts on how to incorporate more reading into our lives? I’d love to hear them.

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