Life + Faith


I want to be brave. There’s bravery that looks like taking a leap of faith, risking failure, dreaming big. That’s all well and good. But, that bravery concerns itself with mainly self, and I’m pretty good at thinking about me. I want to grow in bravery that goes beyond self: to be brave on the… Read More ON THE LINE

Life + Faith


Perhaps it’s just the drama speaking, but it seems as though the United States of America becomes more politically polarized every day. Every. Day. Those is added in front of political terms and labels, creating what have become the most degrading and derogatory of names. Tongues ablaze with venom, spewing words ready to tear down and destroy.… Read More WWJD

Life + Faith


Modest is hostest. A phrase that has been tossed around Christian circles for decades, encouraging young ladies to dress in such a way that covers the bits that might cause boys to stumble into sexual sin. What is or isn’t considered modest attire is wide and varied, a debate that often ends in disagreement. There… Read More REWRITING THE NARRATIVE