Life + Faith


God is mighty and often works in mysterious ways. I know this to be true. Yet, I often wonder what people mean when they say phrases similar to, “God told me _________________.”

Does God actual speak to them in an audible voice? Was it loud and booming, or perhaps just a small whisper?

I genuinely want to know. I’m not talking about a fresh insight gleaned or new revelation found in the verses of scriptures, but rather the phrase “God told me” that seems to make its way into sermons, messages and casual conversation.

I ask because I would like that kind of direct line. Perhaps a burning bush or talking donkey experience. A supernatural announcement spoken by the very voice of God.

That has not been my experience, however. I have never heard the audible voice of God. I have never been visited by an angel in a dream. And, in truth, God may very well speak that way to others; perhaps this is true for you. I believe in a limitless God–a God who is able to do anything.

But I have never been comfortable saying that “God told me ______________.” I have found that the Lord leads and guides–not so much by what I hear, but rather by what I feel.

A quiet knowing in my spirit. A surety. Unexplainable peace and joy in the midst of trails. Or, perhaps just a reminder that I am seen and loved when I look up and see an unexpected rainbow or a shooting star.

I do not always have clarity in what I am supposed to do or where I am supposed to go and I simply have to move forward, trusting that my steps will be directed one way or the other. That doors will be opened and closed accordingly.

Maybe it’s all semantics, but I think we have to be really careful about what we claim we hear from God. We can be certain that our paths will be made straight, but I wonder how often that will come as a direct word to us from God.

I think the quiet inner soul working is one of the mysterious ways in which the Lord moves. And perhaps it is one of the very ways our faith is tested and strengthened.

How does God speak to you?

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