Life + Faith


My prayers have changed lately. The pleas of desperation that defined January have yielded to a much more profitable harvest: thankfulness. The anchor of hope was never removed–perhaps it is only that I have reclaimed my own firm grip upon it’s chain.

I know you are making a way. Thank you.

That simple prayer, offered in praise, often fills my thoughts. It might not seem like much, but it has shifted my perspective, and given me fresh hope. It is a prayer of expectancy, of knowing, of trusting for what is still yet to come.

Recently my pastor in Alabama described a promise as a declaration made now for that which will be needed in the future. A promise is sent to the future as a reminder to stand firm even when the feelings or excitement or newness have faded

And, perhaps the same is true for our praise, it must often be sent to the future to meet the promises that God has already spoken to us in truth. The very praise that collides with the promises yet to be fulfilled.

There is a praise that we lift in celebration. During the seasons of bounty and plenty, where all seems to be going well we rejoice. Thank you for all that you have done.

But there is another kind of praise–one that is much harder to grasp, even harder to practice. It is the sacrifice of praise. The praise we offer in the midst of trials and struggle, heartache and sadness. I do not understand this, but I trust you.

I know you are making a way. Thank you.

This is my sacrifice of praise, the words that have replaced my desperate pleas for help. And these words, now imprinted deep within, have given me the strength and confidence to take steps, explore opportunities and keep my hands open in expectation.

And this sacrifice of praise has allowed me to stop fretting so much about the questions of when and where and what because: I know you are making a way. Thank you.

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