Leadership + Team


You might have rolled your eyes when you saw the title of this post. I don’t blame you.

The word abundance has gotten a lot of attention recently, mainly in the realm of finances, and it’s usually coupled with something like manifestation.

Hopefully, this post will redeem your perspective of the word abundance, or at the very least give you an idea or two to incorporate into your company culture. (And, I promise, there will be no mention, not even a hint of manifestation, raising vibrations, or embracing your higher self.)

According to the first definition in the oxford dictionary, abundance is “a very large quantity of something.”

Simply put, a company culture of abundance is one of plenty.

Here are some examples:

  • An abundance of support from leadership.
  • An abundance of opportunities (for learning, growth, leadership, earning potential)
    • a company cannot offer everything, but it can offer something, and the more individualized for each employee the better
  • An abundance of trust.
  • An abundance of valuing individual gifts and strengths.
  • etc

The opposite of abundance is scarcity, which creates unhealthy competition, gossiping, withholding information, an “every man for himself” culture.

What are ways you can help create a more expansive and abundant work environment? Maybe it looks like valuing individual gifts and adjusting the pay scale to reflect the weight of the responsibility that a role carries rather than focusing on the skills involved to perform the role.

Every person doesn’t strive to be the CEO–creating a culture that understands the importance of each job and places high value of having people in the correct roles would eliminate so much competition and would allow employees to work from a place of genius.

Abundance doesn’t eliminate goals, deadlines, or healthy competition, but it does provide an environment that values people, creativity, and innovation.

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