Life + Faith


Ending 2023 felt chaotic, at least it did on social media. All the posts talking about ending the year well and starting the new year fast and hard. The big energy, goals, expectations–it was all too much. Because what we all know, but have a hard time actually believing, is that bigger and more is not always better.

With too many to count on one hand I scrolled through the posts claiming that 2024 is going to be their year–the year they finally hit that big monetary goal, the year they stop listening to critics, the year they finally get all that they desire.

I have so many thoughts, but I’ll be brief in stating that this type of thinking, believing, speaking, and acting has no space in my life. Are big goals and aspirations good? Sure. However the idea that life needs to be a production that produces xyz is perhaps what got us into the whole “hustle culture” mess to begin with.

Instead of entering this year loud, big, and aggressive, I decided to take a gentler approach. Rather than trying to fit in all my reflection, planning, and goal setting during the week in between Christmas and New Year’s, I am taking all of January to reflect. I recently heard Emily P. Freeman use the term soul minimalist, and it resonated so deeply within me. She says that reflection cannot be rushed; I would also add that it cannot be forced or manipulated.

This January I have been focused the five topics outlined by Emily to become a soul minimalist:

  • Name my January/2024 posture.
  • Create space. (physically, mentally, emotionally, whatever is needed)
  • What needs my attention?
  • Choose my absence.
  • Plan my presence.

The way we begin helps determine our pace, and ultimately how we will finish. I want to start well so that I may run the race set before me in 2024 well. There is no pressure or rush to become the person we want to be or do all the things we want to do. There is beauty in taking our time, using the gift of reflection, and moving forward with intention and purpose.

How did you enter 2024? How has the new year been going? It is never too late to slow down and take some time to reflect and refocus.

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