Life + Faith


It was love at first sight with Arizona. Sure, the 115º (dry) heat was a shock to the system, but it was the beauty of the desert landscape that took my breath away.

Perhaps one hasn’t truly lived until they have experienced the majesty of the Saguaro cactus. With proud limbs outstretched, reaching toward the sky, unapologetically accepting their place as royalty among the desert flora. Even with their menacing armor of spines, I wanted to embrace the centuries-old cacti.

I expected to find a dull and dusty place, but instead, I found myself surrounded by mountains, succulent greens, tall palm trees, and vibrant colored flowers. Surely this isn’t the desert used to describe our hardships? Although, admittedly, I didn’t have to survive the desert conditions as much as I got to thrive in the luxurious accommodations of beautiful AirBNB resorts.

But I suppose that our hardships are similar to deserts. When times are tough we focus on the spines of the cacti, rather than standing in awe of their massive existence. Rather than noting the beauty around us, we see only the dry cracked earth beneath our feet.

When we’re in the midst of it, we tend to focus on the negative. Will this ever end?

I’m in the midst of it right now and have been for quite some time. This past year has been disappointment after disappointment after disappointment. And, that’s not an exaggeration–I am currently sitting in my third major disappointment since last fall.

I can look back over the first two disappointments feel relief and see God’s goodness in those closed doors. Thank you, Lord. Truly. This third one, though, came complete with a job offer and then a retraction. They can’t afford to hire, let’s push it back a bit. The problem is, they’ve been pushing it back since April.

My circumstances feel bleak, but I know better. I have been to the desert. I know that cacti have some of the most amazing blooms and some only last hours. What an honor to catch a glimpse! I am keeping watch, expecting to be pleasantly surprised by beauty and abundance now. Stunning sunsets, spotting new growth on my houseplants, and watching my nephew and niece enjoy the summer months of childhood. There is plenty if only I will notice.

The desert is big and scary, but it’s also where I find myself breathing a bit deeper and sensing the excitement of wild possibilities. Cacti know how to weather severe conditions, and it’s best to remember that I was made for such a time as this. My roots are deep and strong so that I can survive the droughts that come, for my well will never run dry.

I will continue to trust thadisappointmentnt will not last forever as I note the goodness of all that I have, and I wait expectantly for the joy that comes in the morning!

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