Leadership + Team


Culture is all around us. From the clothes that we wear, the music that we listen to, the accent of our words, and the art that we admire–for better or worse, we are the product of that which influences us.

Similar to a country, the culture of a company is affected by many different aspects as well. For culture is not something that is linear, but rather the summation of a myriad of people, places, beliefs, and ideas.

Every company creates its own culture, and it usually doesn’t take long for the consumer to know whether the culture of a company is positive or negative.

While every company will create its own culture without much effort, creating a truly positive and impactful company culture takes time, attention, and intention.

Below are the 4 Cs of cultivating culture:

  1. Company–what are the non-negotiables of the company? What are the driving forces behind everything the company does? The company should be driven by more than making money.
  2. Community–how does the company serve its community? What is the company known for within its community? What impact is the company making both locally and globally?
  3. Clients/Customers–how seamless is the customer journey? What are the customer service expectations of the company? How are complaints handled? How are errors corrected? How are clients/customers shown appreciation?
  4. Colleagues–how does the company treat it’s employees, venders, volunteers, contractors, board members, etc? Is every contributor treated as a team member? Does everyone feel as though they have a voice that matters within the company? Are people given opportunities to grow and develop? How are concerns handled? How is feedback given? How is appreciation shown?

Cultivating an impactful company culture increases the probability of ultimate success through both financial means and overall satisfaction from the people the company employs and serves.

Ultimately, the success of every company hinges on the way it cares for people.

To learn more about Andrea and her work, click here.

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